Saeed A. Nabi Al-Nasheet -

Our Vision: To be a Center of Excellence for people development.

Saeed A. Nabi Al-Nasheet

Membership No.: 106

  • Owner, and the Managing Director of INNOVISION Consulting since 2010.
  • Supporting business organizations in setting up their HR policies and procedures; training and development; performance appraisals; orientation programs; and career plans.
  • Supporting private training institutions in improving the quality of their training provision; setting up HR policies and procedures, policies related to learners; equal opportunities; complaints and appeal procedures; health and safety; strategic business plans; marketing plans; and course syllabus development.
  • Holds Master’s Degree in Human Resource Management from Sheffield Hallam University – 1995 - UK
  • Twenty three years’ service in the private sector in the fields of Mechanical Engineering, Telecommunications, Human Resources, Training and Development.
  • Ten years in the Government Sector in the field of Human Resources Development, Jobseekers training.
  • Worked in the Ministry of Labor and Social Development as Director of the Private Training Centers in 2009, licensing training centers and their training programs.
  • Worked as Director for Human Resource Development in the Ministry of Labor and Social Development between 2006-2009 promoting Bahrainisation and training initiatives in the private sector.
  • Worked as Executive Manager for the Specific Council for Vocational Training in the Industry Sector in Bahrain promoting Bahrainisation and to encourage companies to fully utilize their levy training budgets.
  • Worked as Coordinator and Direct Trainer for Supervisory and MGT Development at Bahrain Telecommunications Company (Batelco).
  • Worked as Management Development trainer since 1992 in some private companies and training providers.